Another blow to Government that filed an affadavit before supreme court stating that Rama has never existed on this earth.

New findings have once again proven the existence of Lord Rama, with his exact date of birth getting a scientific credence.

As per the Institute for Scientific Research on Vedas (I-SERVE), planetarium software has ascertained the birth of Lord Rama as 10th January 5114 BC in Ayodhya. As per the Indian calendar the time of the birth is in-between 12 noon and 1pm, Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month.

The institute has also claimed success in substantiating many other ancient events in Indian mythology that supposedly took place before 2000 BC by using the planetarium software.

The planetarium software is also used by NASA and Nehru planetarium to find out the position of various planets and stars in the universe.

The scientist of I-SERVE claimed that they zeroed down on Lord Rama’s birth date by studying planetary positions as described by Valmiki in the Ramayana.

The scientists also said that new scientific tools and techniques like planetarium software, computers, space imagery, underwater explorations, and radio carbon dating can clearly validate the existence of characters and events which are described in Ramayana.

It is just not about the date of birth of Lord Rama, scientists have also proofs which can substantiate not only the existence of Lord Rama as described in Ramayana but also of the incident of the clash of Lord Rama and ‘khardushan’ during the 13th year of Rama’s exile.

Vote Bank politics and division on basis of caste and religion survives only as some of us dont Vote. In Last 2009 Elections Election turnout was only 59.7% .

Netas consequently cater not to the country but to their vote bank. Indulge in corruption and later use that money to win again.

Make a pledge this time to vote and Vote4Change. Take 100 others with you to the voting booth.

मुस्लमान वन्दे मातरम न बोले तो ये उन
का धार्मिक मामला है…..

नरेन्द्र मोदी टोपी ना पहने तो ये
उनका सांप्रदायिक मामला है……

डेनमार्क में अगर कोई फोटो बन गयी तो उसका सर कलम ….

श्रीराम की जमीन पर अगर मंदिर
बना तो हिन्दू बेशर्म…..

गोधरा में जो ५६ हिन्दू पहले जले वो भेड़

और उस बाद जो मुस्लिम मरे वो देश के सच्चे प्रहरी…..

१५ साल पहले ही कश्मीर हो गयी हिंदुवो से खाली…..

देश की बढती मुस्लिम आबादी हमारी खुशहाली…….

पठानी सूत,, नमाजी टोपी में वो ख़ूबसूरत…

हम सिर्फ राम कह दे तो आतंक की मूरत…..

—हिन्दू आतंकवादि

-Rajnayan,member of pur page

The Indian polity has been facing challenges from within: whether secular judiciary of Islamic court; whether secular education in Madarsa; whether competition-based admission in educational institutions and jobs whether the Vande Mataram is a national song for all Indians. These are the same old questions with similar arguments once used by the Muslim League and now being replayed by the ‘Muslim India’. The Muslim vote bank tactically and
shrewdly has been used to affect the secular politics of the country. It has been increasingly revolving round the decrees of Mosques rather than the spirit of the Indian constitution.

The insight is that “the Indian Muslims have yet to converge into Indian culture and its people. The problem would cease to exist once they will feel and speak that this is their motherland
and the people are their own people. It is a matter to entrench such desirable changes in their psychology"


BSP MP Shafiqur Rahman Barq insults national song, walks out from Lok Sabha during Vande Mataram.

This is Secularism For Others,but for me this is nothing less than an act of a traitor.

One cant simply walk away,insulting out nation song…isnt this sedition?What action is being taken? Nothing less than being expelled from party and his position would befit his treachery.

This may also be called as an indirect insult to our martyrs,pack his stuff up and send to some god forbidden land of middle east or pakistan where shariah is implimented.

In India We cant tolerate this.

And media is too mum on it,no Breaking news or Blow to Mayawati?

Bringing forth to you our Secular Congress Minister Shri Khurshid Ji,Just have a look at what he has to say in his new book “At Home In India: A restatement of Indian Muslims”

Salman Khurshid states, “there was also a terrible satisfaction amongst Muslims, who had not completely forgotten the Partition’s unpleasant aftermath. Hindus and Sikhs were alike paying for their ‘sins’. They were paying for the blood they had drawn in 1947.”

Now,how is this acceptable to media?And other self proclaimed ‘Seculars’.

He has miserably failed in carrying out his job,failed diplomacy with chinese,pakistan,maldives,sri lanka,Italy…high time he shud be kicked out of cabinet.

What a plight of Bharat Mata ? and what role does she have to play? She struggles with ethnic and religious divisions, with a rapid and often ugly industrialism, with a plundered land and a population out of control. She has here leftists and communists who have twisted her economy and tried to turn the souls of her people against her spiritual heritage.
She has her new capitalists ready to make quick money or to ally themselves with the multinational corporations who see India as a great new land to exploit. Where is the soul of our beloved mother today? Where is her will? She tries to stand for the underdeveloped world, for peace, tolerance, the unity of humanity and respect for all religions. But her direction is not clear. It appears that she can’t even discipline herself.
Western secularism, a popular culture caught up in superficial sensation, marks one line of attack against her. Western religions, their exclusive belief systems and their vast resources spent on conversion, attach on the other side. Bharat would like to please everyone. And each group, religious, ethnic or political wants their portion of the country.
Separatism reigns, with each group placing its own interests before that of the country as a whole. Everyone wants to take and no one appears willing to give. No one is standing firm to halt this tide of growing sectarianism, selfishness and materialism.
In this battle the modern Hindu does not want to fight, or even to speak out. He accepts the growing secularism and sensationalism coming to his culture from the West, as perhaps necessary for economic growth, or may even see it as progressive, modern and humanitarian.
He tolerates in silence the continuing assaults on his culture and its spiritual values from Islamic and Christian forces within his own land. He doesn’t like to criticize anyone’s religion even if they mock his. He seems weak, in disarray, without confidence or self-esteem. He appears to think that if he ignores these things they will go away in time, but like an infection they continue to spread and poison the country.

MK Gandhi and Justice, Politics and Assimilation

Justice does not figure in Gandhi’s calculus of Non Violence. People should innocently die as some kind of moral gesture rather than inflict a just punishment on the aggressor: a kind of personal asceticism eclipsing any socially responsible concern for public justice.
If Gandhians want to keep on writing about there Hero, a useful project ould be to thoroughly analyze their hero’s infatuation with death OR simply other people’s death. The carelessness with which he counselled self sacrifice was a bizarre mental trait which deserves a frank diagnosis.

The political motif was dominant in the Gandhian movement, the cultural forces it invoked and mobilised were not grasped in their genuine purity and power and were not related naturally and organically to the ideals of politics, economics, social order and values and the many dharmas of the living past. They were all mobilised as vague sources of inspiration against the common enemy, namely the foreign rulers. They afforded no positive pattern of the new Indian society and state, economy and social order that was to replace the present order of things under long foreign rule. It was mainly negative, the many types of leaders following the Mahatma being content to put off decisive thinking on positive lines for the post-liberation epoch. Thus we find the Mahatma choosing a person with nothing in common with his ultimate ideas on man, nation and God like Jawaharlal Nehru to succeed him as the national leader. The Nehru Mind is made mostly abroad and in spite of his Discovery of India, Sri Nehru never succeeded in catching the spirit of Indian culture at its best. Thus the blueprint of the new society he was using as Prime Minister and leader of national reconstruction for building independent India is the “socialist pattern of society” which is infinitely more abstract and superficial, more mechanical and charged with unsolved problems of class conflict than the foundational ideas of the past

The failure of Indian history to assimilate the Muslims into the national society, as it had succeeded in assimilating the earlier invaders – the Shakas, Scythians and Hunas – is a notable fact which the new Indian leaders of national liberation ignored altogether. They committed the blunder that by giving concessions to Muslims at the cost of the majority, they could win them over! The sequel showed that it was a tragic blunder. No concessions given without change of ideology on the part of the recipients could bring about the change needed.

The definition of secularism in India is very strange. During the same September and October 2011 period, Modi refused a white skull cap and Nitish refused a saffron shawl. But Modi’s refusal makes him “communal” and it is also an “Insult to Islam”. But Nitish’s refusal still maintains his “secular” status and it is absolutely no insult to Hindus.. Baffling!

Well certainly neither dies MSM remember it nor do other politicians bcoz Hindus are taken for granted and we have made it happen.

Kudos to Secularism.

via: Kiranasis (